SweetiePie Parenting Offers:

Classes for Parents - Programs for Schools - Workshops on Specific Topics - Private Coaching - Court-ordered Classes - Parenting Parties and Free Events.


Love and Logic Early Childhood Parenting Made FUN!®
for parenting the little ones ages 6 mos to 6 years
Course outline available here.

Parenting the Love and Logic Way®
for parenting all aged kids 6 months to age 18
Course outline available here.

Weekend Course Offerings - held in two sessions
Condensed versions of the named course held on weekend

Making the Two's and Three's TERRIFIC!
fun ideas to gain cooperation with your toddlers

Taming Tumultuous Teens
techniques for coping with the puzzling teen years

Newborn and Infant Care for Dads
caring for your baby to promote health and bonding

REFRESHER COURSE - Fine-Tuning Your Skills
refresh your skills and enjoy some new ideas, techniques and tips for parenting kids of all ages

Private Classes - Co-Parenting

Additional Options
(scheduled upon request)

Private Parenting Parties
You invite your friends and we come to you on your schedule.

Parent Coaching
If you want private sessions, we can set up coaching appointments billed in 1 hour increments.
(sometimes a one-session refresher is all you need)

FREE Parenting Talks
Lorri will come to your parent group (minimum of 10 people) and give a free
one-hour presentation on a common parenting topic.

Love and Logic Early Childhood Parenting Made FUN!®

10 hours of instruction and unlimited retakes*

Five weekly 2-hour sessions

This course focuses on parenting children 6 months to 6 years. Learn tips for getting cooperation with eating, picking up toys, morning routines, nighttime necessities and more...

Course Outline
Scroll down for scheduled classes

ECP 0414
Love and Logic Early Childhood Parenting Made FUN!®
Monday Evenings
Dates:  April 14 through May 12
Time:  7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: SweetiePie Parenting (Residence)

Cost: $199 Includes a parenting partner for free!

Parenting the Love and Logic Way®

12 hours of instruction and unlimited retakes

Six weekly 2-hour sessions

This course will give you fun techniques and tips for parenting kids all ages -- infants through teens.

Course Outline
Scroll down for scheduled classes.

PLLW 0416

Parenting the Love and Logic Way®

Wednesday Evenings
Dates:  April 16 through May 21
Time:  7:00pm - 9:00pm

Cost: $215.00 Includes a parenting partner for free!

Weekend Course Offerings - held in two sessions

Two half-day sessions; eight hours of instruction

These classes are condensed versions of the full courses. "Parenting the Love and Logic Way®" covers information on parenting all aged kids while "Love and Logic Early Childhood Parenting Made FUN!®" focuses on parenting the little ones up to age 6. These two 4-hour sessions will give you techniques and tips that will up the odds that your kids will become responsible adults and your family will have more fun!

ECP 2 0503 M
Love and Logic Early Childhood Parenting Made FUN!® - held in two sessions
Saturday Mornings
Dates:  May 3 and May 10
Time:  8:00am - Noon
Location: SweetiePie Parenting (Residence)

$135.00 -- your parenting partner attends for free!

PLLW 2 0517

Parenting the Love and Logic Way® Held in Two Sessions

Saturday Mornings
Dates:  May 17 and May 24
Time:  8:00am - Noon
Location: SweetiePie Parenting (Residence)

Cost: $135 -- your parenting partner attends for free!

Making the Two's and Three's TERRIFIC!

Three 2-hour Sessions

Three sessions dedicated to making those "terrible two's and three's" a fun and exciting time for both kids and parents. You will learn techniques for setting gentle and loving limits; find some tricks for transitions; learn how to terminate tantrums and more.

This workshop will benefit anyone who cares for toddlers.

Making the Two’s and Three’s TERRIFIC !
$99.00 -- bring your parenting partner for free!

Taming Tumultuous Teens
Three 3-hour sessions

Three sessions dedicated to the special relationships of teen and parents. You will learn techniques for setting loving limits; how to deal with the arguing and complaining, and how to build stronger bonds with your teens.

What if your teens were ready and excited about making positive and meaningful contributions to society? Does it seem seem that raising responsible, empathetic and ethical kids is getting harder than ever?

This course gives you techniques for upping the odds of raising respectful and responsible teens.
You will learn
- how to set loving limits that you know you can enforce
- ways to reduce the arguments and power struggles
- knowing how to lovingly guide kids to own and solve their problems
. . . and other ways to help you enjoy the challenging teen years!

TN 0121M
Taming Tumultuous Teens

$175 Your parenting partner can attend for free!

Newborn and Infant Care for Dads

Two 4-hour

8 hours of focus on newborn care and infant development.

Hear Ideas and learn techniques for…
Crying, feeding, teething, sleeping, childproofing, clothing, diapering, bonding, screen time, potty training and so much more

NBC 0507
Newborn and Infant Care
Saturday Mornings

Time: 8:00am - Noon

$99-- bring your parenting partner for free!

Refresher - Fine Tuning Your Skills

One four-hour session

This course is a tune-up. Refresh those skills and enjoy some new ideas, techniques and tips for parenting of kids all ages -- infants through teens.

Do you find that you took the course, those techniques you learned were working and things were going so well… and then it stopped working? Maybe you need a refresher!

This is a one-time four-hour class that can tickle you back on track to raising responsible kids and having more fun!

R 0829 M
Refresher - Fine Tuning Your Skills
Sunday Evening
Time: 5:30pm - 9:30pm

$99 -- your parenting partner attends for free!

Private Parenting Parties

Wouldn't it be great if the instructor came to you on your schedule? We can make that happen! Have a PRIVATE PARENTING PARTY with your friends! When you invite a couple of other families to join you, we will come to you AND we will customize the times and days that will work with your schedule.

To schedule your Private Parenting Party, call Lorri at (206)-200-8488.

Private Coaching

This is a private course focusing on co-parenting. We will use the Parenting the Love and Logic Way curriculm to learn tips and techniques for parenting your kids in very loving ways. We will also explore various aspects of parenting schedules, communication and co-decision making. Being a private course, we will talk about issues specific to each family.

P 0500 E
Private Parent Coaching

Time: Schedule TBA
Cost: $125 per hour Includes both parents

P 1104 E
Private Parent Class
  Monday 11/4 and Wednesday 11/6
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Cost: $50 per hour Includes both parents

FREE Parenting Talks

Get some great ideas for dealing with issues that are common to a lot of parents.These talks are free for groups of 10 or more.

Do you need some help on a particular issue? Maybe you are looking for some creative ideas to use with teens. Got a toddler who is driving you nuts? How about a personal coaching session? We can meet in person or online or phone. Book in half hour increments.

No presentations are scheduled at this time.

Contact Lorri to schedule a free presentation for your friends, parent group, church, school or community service club. (206-200-8488)

Here are some options (or you can request a topic you would like to have covered).

  • Putting an End to Whining, Arguing and Backtalk

  • How to Help Kids Own and Solve Their Problems

  • Even Tiny Ones Can Learn Self-Control

  • Using Your Home to Develop Positive Self-Concept and Responsibility

  • Empathy. . . The Root of Relationships